Monday, October 5, 2009


So how does the Grand Junction CO real estate market look these days? Currently Grand Junction has a average listing price for homes for sale of $320,632. The MESA county average currently is $342,802.
The current number of properties on the market in Grand Junction is 786. The Grand Junction median listing price is $229,933.
For MESA County residential real estate the total listings are 1,166 and a median listing price of $239,950. This comparss to Colorado real estate data, which this week shows a total number of listing properties as 50,514 with a median listing price of $299,900.


GRAND JUNCTION GENERAL POPULATIONTotal Population in Grand Junction, COAt the time of the most recent United States Census Survey, the number of people in Grand Junction, CO was 41,986. Grand Junction Male PopulationAt the time of the last full census survey, the number of men in Grand Junction was 20,464, which represents 48.7 percent of the total for the community (The national average is 49.10%). Male Population, Married in Grand Junction, COThere are an estimated 9,250 married men in the town. 55.6 percent of men over 15 years old in Grand Junction are married, compared to the national average of 56.70%. Female PopulationThe estimated female population in Grand Junction is 21,522 which is 51.3 of the total population (Compared to the national average of 50.90%).Female Population, Married in Grand Junction, ColoradoThere are an estimated 8,905 married women in the community. 49.1 percent of females over the age of 15 are married, compared to the national average of 52.10%.
AGEMedian Age in Grand Junction, COThe median age of people living in Grand Junction, CO was 38.8 at the time of the last full census survey. (The United States average at the time was 35.3) At that time, the number of people under the age of 5 living in Grand Junction was 2,353. There were 33,083 people above the age of 18, which represents 78.8 percent of the entire population (compared to the national average of 74.30% ). 17.9 percent of the population (7,496) in the community was 65 years and over, compared to 12.40% nationally.

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