Monday, September 28, 2009

Colorado Real Estate Investments - Grand Junction

It's pretty much accepted fact that a Colorado home is one of the best investments you can make; but like many things in life, timing is everything. Recent worrisome talk about subprime mortgages, falling property values, foreclosures and slow real estate markets are keeping more than a few homeowners up at night. The cure for those heebie jeebies is information. There are tons of tools available to help you realistically calculate how much you can afford to borrow (either for a purchase or a refinance), and how much it will impact your budget. You can also search listings to see what homes in your area have sold for. If you’re selling your home, keep in mind that these seemingly little things are the biggest turn-offs to a prospective buyer:
Icky smells (cigarettes, pets, food): Invest in a good air filter or freshener, open windows, whatever it takes.
Dirty kitchens and bathrooms: Really tackle these two areas to get them sparkling.
Dark rooms: Turn on lights, open curtains,
Dirty carpet: Consider having it professionally cleaned. Cluttered rooms and closets: Rent a temporary storage unit (or the basement of a good friend) to stash your beer mug collection.
Barking dogs: send them to a friend or relative's house when your home is being shown.
A damp basement: Keep a dehumidifier going.
Poorly maintained front yard: spend some time mowing, trimming overgrown bushes and pulling weeds. Add a pot or two of colorful flowers near the front door for a welcoming feel.
Weathered or peeling front door: a fresh coat of paint and new hardware is an inexpensive boost that really pays off. For buyers, dropping prices make purchasing a home tempting right now. But if the "subprime mess" taught us anything, its that many people who felt pressured into buying a home with little or no money down are now feeling the sting of inflating mortgage payments. Take a breath and carefully assess if buying is right for you; in some cases, renting makes more financial sense find great rentals here. And while selling or buying a place on your own may appear to save you a few bucks in commissions, a good real estate agent can greatly simplify the process, saving you more time and money in the end (not to mention, your sanity). Remember, the real estate game is best played over the long haul. So trust time to be on your side!

Thursday, September 24, 2009

December 1, 2009, the $8,000 tax credit will end. It is a good time to buy in Grand Junction, Colorado, prices and interest rates make it very affordable.